
Vip Security Transports Corona Virus COVID-19 Safety precautions for CEOs

Vip Security Transports Corona Virus COVID-19 Safety precautions for CEOs Coronavirus, NYC transportation safety measures

Hello Clients,

We at Medical Procedure Escorts, VIP Security Transports & Finest Chauffeurs value our clients immensely. We take your safely & health seriously, and we're doing our part, during this CoronaVirus (COVID-19) health crisis to help keep you safe.

We know everyone is concerned about being in vehicles and sitting in areas where a potentially infected person may have been.

Therefore, clients have the option to book a disinfected vehicle prior to their pickup. You may ask what actions are taken.

1. We spray and wipe down the entire cabin with Clorox 4 in One disinfectant & sanitizer and concentrate on areas where clients sit and usually touch.
2. We then use a Travel UV sanitizing wand, to scan / wand the interior vehicle, which is scientifically proven to reduce bacteria / viruses in fabric and in the air.
3. We place Chiro rolls paper over the head rest, so you can rest your head on freshly placed paper. This is the same paper used in doctors’ offices.
4. We also have placed miniature UVC disinfectants in every vehicle.
5. We will not knowingly send out any drivers who are sick with a cold or any possible transmissible illness. We'll reschedule drivers when we have adequate notice.
6. Clients can request our driver wear a mask if that makes the client more comfortable.
7. We've stocked every vehicle with anti-bacterial hand wipes and Purell gel for Clients & drivers.

No other companies in the tri-state area are taking the extensive measures that we are, to keep our clients healthy and safe. Let us be a part of your team to keep your CEO & other key executives safe & healthy, as well as your family, members who are elderly & those with underlying health conditions safe & healthy during this health crisis. Our 30-minute preparation fee is being waived for all our pre-Coronavirus (COVID-19) clients.

Please email or call us and ask for your vehicle to be disinfected prior to your pickup. Additionally, if our clients have any suggestions for us during this crisis, please do not hesitate to contact us, constructive criticism is appreciated.

About Us.

For those not familiar with VIP Security Transports we provide armed and unarmed security drivers and Security escorts for your personal or corporate vehicle as well as our own vehicles. We specialize in providing active & retired law enforcement officers as security drivers, security escorts & standard guard duties.

Medical Procedure Escorts offers Safety Escorts for clients who have medical procedures. Our safety escort can drive clients to their medical procedure in their car or ours. Our Medical Escorts will enter medical offices and sign out patients who need a guardian on site to have their medical procedure.

Finest Chauffeurs provides active and retired law enforcement officers to drive clients in the client’s personal vehicle. Our services are geared towards Executives, Dignitaries & Public Figures.

Lastly in our vehicles, notice VIP Security Transports has live streaming TV, including CNN, Bloomberg News, ESPN, children’s shows, blockbuster movies and more. This is great for long distance transports from Manhattan to the Hamptons, or to Boston, Florida and beyond.

Analysis of death cases, it emerged that the demographic profile was mainly male, accounting for 2/3, females accounting for 1/3, and is mainly elderly, more than 80% are elderly over 60 years old, and more than 75% had underlying diseases present such as cardiovascular and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and, in some cases, tumor.

Aaron Jackson
Ret. NYPD Police Officer


Coronavirus,Corona Virus,COVID-19,NYC Transportation,Secure Transportation,bacteria virus prevention,preventable virus methods,Coronavirus prevention,COVID-19 prevention,precautionary measures covid-19,precautionary measures coronavirus,underlying health conditions,elderly coronavirus safety,nyc transportation coronavirus,coronavirus taxi precautions,finest chauffeurs coronavirus,vip security coronavirus,covid-19 precautions,coronavirus safety measures,

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