

WHY I DON’T BELIEVE IN WEIGHT LOSS I believe the way people think about weight loss is fundamentally flawed. Most people think of weight loss as increasing exercise and slashing calories. While this CAN work for many people, and often does for a short period of time, I think it’s addressing the symptom and not the underlying problem.

1️⃣ First of all, sleep and stress are much more important factors to losing weight than diet and exercise. If your body is in a chronically stressed state, due to lack of quality sleep and/or life stressors, your body will not prioritize fat loss.

2️⃣ Second, I don’t believe in eating an unsustainably low number of calories to lose weight. Nutrition is very complicated because people have emotional and psychological and social ties to eating certain foods or drinking coffee and alcohol. I believe being mindful about your eating habits is the best way to develop a healthier relationship with food.

3️⃣ Third, people fixate on a certain amount of weight they need to lose, or a particular weight they want to be at where they’ll be satisfied with their body. But if you judge your body on its appearance and fitting into the societal ideal for what a healthy body should look like, you will never be satisfied with your body. The fact is that our body has a range of bodyweight where it’s healthy, and that doesn’t always fit in with what we THINK our body SHOULD look like.

4️⃣ Furthermore, how you feel about your appearance is based so much more on how you think and feel than anything else. I don’t think having a goal that is solely based on apperance is healthy. I believe you need to find the underlying factors that are much more important to accepting yourself: FEELING good, staying healthy for yourself and your family, choosing movement and nutrition that is sustainable in the long run.

5️⃣ I don’t coach people on weight loss. I help people prioritize sleep and stress reduction, focus on health and longevity, love movement, learn skills, be kind to their bodies, and value how they feel rather than how they look.
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