
My Typical Amateur Radio Week-End.

My Typical Amateur Radio Week-End. Hello, this week-end I was visiting my parents and girlfriend in the North of France, so this video is what I could put together about a typical Ham radio week-end. On Saturday (July 20, 2019. I am uploading this on the 27th) I tried my homebuilt Moxon on 2m from my apartment. Yesterday I worked a station from Sardinia Italy 200 miles away. On Sunday I decided to only take the VRM-5080 VHF tank radio and spent most of the day calling on 51.500MHz FM, not making a single contact, but I wanted to concentrate on that band. We had a lot of visitors showing up! I am coming back with some gear, my portable 2m 6el. Yagi-Uda and my 12m Spiderbeam pole, along with whatever else will fit in my luggage. So you might expect some VHF SSB/CW soon :-) Please help me out and get extra content:

radio,prepper,prepping,survival,ham,amateur,F4WBY,AK4YH,Gil,ham radio,UT5ZC,DJ1YFK,K1,Elecraft,magnetic loop,antenna,delta loop,Moxon,VRM-5080,Fort de la Revère,Col d'Eze,F6HBI,3A2MA,F0GMB,F4TRX,F4HKD,Icom,IC-251,homebuilt,

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