
'We've Got to Get Back to the Dream' for Marianne Williamson by David Friedman

'We've Got to Get Back to the Dream' for Marianne Williamson by David Friedman Christina Connors, Kenneth Gartman and Christopher Hudson Myers performing “We’ve Got to Get Back to the Dream” by David Friedman for Marianne Williamson. I’ve always appreciated Marianne Williamson as a spiritual leader and am thrilled to see her as a powerful political leader now! Hearing her speak and getting to perform this song for her was a gift!

"We've Got to Get Back to the Dream" by David Friedman
We hold these truths to be self evident
That all men are created equal
That they are endowed by their creator
With certain unalienable rights
That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

We started out with a dream. We started out with a plan
We started out with such hope in our hearts
And a vision of a new world, a bright and better land
And in this land we would be free, And in this land life would be fair
And in this land of opportunity we'd all live in prosperity
And if some of us should be in need, the rest of us would care

(I pledge allegiance) We started out with a dream
(to the flag) We had a cause, we heard the call
(of the United States of America) It was our goal to be
One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all

Now look into your souls and tell me what you see
Have we achieved these goals? Are we where we want to be?
Have we realized the hopes of those who fought to make us free?
Is this the nation they imagined when they spoke of life and liberty?

We've got to get back to the dream.
We've got to get back to the vision we had.
We've got to recapture the spirit of America
We've got to get back to the dream

Now the trumpet summons us again in a struggle against the common enemies of man.

We started out with a dream
We fought a war, we took a stand
Now once again we are a nation under siege
But the enemy's not overseas, it's right here in our land.

The enemy is hatred, the enemy is fear
The losing touch with all that we hold dear.
We must fight to conquer hopelessness and ignorance and greed.
A change must start within each heart a leap of faith is what we need.

We've got to get back to the dream.
We've got to get back to the vision we had.
We've got to recapture the spirit of America
We've got to get back to the dream

We the people, we resolve that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth.

We the people. We are this country.
We have the power. We have the dream.
We can change things. We want the same things.
We can make this country be the land of opportunity.

We can get back to the dream.
We can get back to the vision we had.
We can recapture the spirit of America.
We can get back to the dream.

We can get back to the dream.
We can get back to the vision we had.
We can recapture the spirit of America.
We've got to get back.
We need to get back.
We can get back to the dream.
We can get back to the dream!

#mariannewilliamson #marianne2020 #mariannewilliamson2020 #marianneforpresident #singers #democrats #lovewins #returntolove #dnc #bigtruth

Marianne Williamson,dnc,democrat,president,presidential candidate,We've Got to Get Back to the Dream,David Friedman,Kenneth Gartman,Ken,Gartman,Kenneth,Christina Connors,Chris Myers,Christopher Hudson Myers,Marianne2020,Song,Patriotic,patriotic song,song,singing,friedman,dream,

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