
Why Most Women APPEAR To All Have Boyfriends

Why Most Women APPEAR To All Have Boyfriends Why Most Women APPEAR To All Have Boyfriends

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Let's talk about why every woman appears to have a boyfriend. Every woman appears to be taken and on the way to the altar to marry his prince charming so let's answer why every woman appears to have a boyfriend with you.

You see, women will never be honest with you and just tell you that they don't like you. They'll just bait you along. When a girl likes you and she has a problem, she'll hide the fact she has a boyfriend a lot of the times. You wouldn't even find out that she has a boyfriend. In fact, maybe you even hooked up with women ho has boyfriends and you just didn't find out.

Look, man, you're getting women with boyfriends because you look too obvious. Sometimes, if you're getting the boyfriend excuse from women in your life, most likely it's because you're giving yourself away.

Don't convince them to like you. When a woman says she has a boyfriend, do not try to convince her. Just back off because if she likes you, she'll try to get you. It's just how it is. Usually, when they don't like you they have boyfriends but when they like you, you don't even know that she has a boyfriend. So why do women say they have boyfriends? It's because they don't want you to hit on them.

How do you hit on a girl with a boyfriend though? First of all, you got to wait on her schedule--she's the one with the boyfriend. You cannot be texting her all the time so let her initiate all the contact. When a girl with a boyfriend tries to do things with you, you got to let her do most of the coordinating because she's the one who can't get caught.

Most women are single and if you're getting that response from women, it just means that you're turning them off. First of all, control your non-verbals and try to sound as calm as possible. Don't try to sound fun because when you do, you give off nervous energy so just calm down and be relaxed.

When I say control your non-verbals, I mean your face. Don't try to smile and just be more relaxed. Make everything more relaxed because that will automatically make you look like chilled. Aside from that, if you control your non-verbals and just apply some of the things I talk about with game and she still gives you the boyfriend thing, just keep practicing.

Accept that some women just don't like you. Accept when she doesn't like you. If you can't accept it, you're not gonna get over it. Generally, when a girl keeps bringing up she has a boyfriend, that just means she doesn't like you. Simple as that, it's not complicated. Just pull away because if a girl likes you, she'll come back to you when she's single.

The way women pick who to hook up next, they don't think about who was the coolest guy but they think about who was the less needy guy she remembers. If you were the last dude who was needy, you're not gonna be there. Gracefully backing off doesn't drastically increase the person liking you but if you don't back off gracefully you don't get that chance which is the 1 out of 20 of it working.

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