
I Get Headaches When the Truth Isn’t Spoken - Weird Ways Your Body Talks to You

I Get Headaches When the Truth Isn’t Spoken - Weird Ways Your Body Talks to You Get my Beginner’s Guide to Fascia Release PDF Download (FREE - it’s like a cheat sheet for mastering the basics of fascia release with hyperlinks to my top techniques!) Get your copy here 👉

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Your body is talking to you all.the.time. When you were a baby, you unconsciously acted out every impulse, intuition and instinct, never doubting what your body was communicating.

Gradually, as an infant, toddler, and small child you learned (like everyone else) to dissociate from your inner wisdom. Why? You were taught repeatedly, in small and maybe big ways, that your instincts or needs didn’t mesh with those big people you relied on for survival and belonging.

If you were ever told “don’t cry, it’s not that big a deal” or “go on, don’t be scared of uncle Larry, give him a hug” (when your instinct told you not to) or anything that resulted in questioning your own impulses, then you learned how to ignore or disown the part of you that knows things. Not just about yourself either, but about other people and even about life circumstances like whether to move across the country or quit your job to travel the world.

There are two fundamental situations in life that (I believe) your body will always have something to say: your physical and emotional well being, and your relationships to other people.

You don’t have to go looking for these messages either, they will be obvious if you learn to tune in and listen, because every day of your life your body has needs it will communicate and you’re likely to encounter other human beings with whom your body is also communicating.

You’ve no doubt heard that body language and the non-verbal makes up 80% or more of human communication. If you allow yourself to tap into and allow your instincts and impulses to talk to you regarding your relationships to other’ll start to “know” things that may make you appear psychic ;) Seriously.

But maybe the best place to start is with yourself. What can you learn about yourself or your body, by opening those feedback loops first? (Before trying your hand at telepathy or psychic readings).

This video walks you through some of the weird ways your body talks to you.

Share your takeaways below! I can’t wait to hear about the weird ways YOUR body talks to you. Because we’re all different. Your body will use different strategies than mine, based on our different histories and childhoods.

I’ll see you in the comments section!

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