
Observe Don't Produce - 11|10|19 - by Sokuzan

Observe Don't Produce - 11|10|19 - by Sokuzan If you’re actually observing what is happening to you, if you are receiving what is happening to you moment by moment, then let the energy that you need to observe just go to the observation. You won’t be cheated out of your production or your vocal cords. You’ll get to say something, you’ll get to produce ideas. You can’t stop it; it’s going to come. So put your energy onto the reception, to the observation of events that are happening in the so called “outer world” and “inner world”, those things that are coming up based on dependent origination or “pratityasamutpada”. Study that material!

Sokuzan,SokukoJi,meditation,observe,dependent origination,pratityasamutpada,

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