
Be Consistent and Follow Up with Expired Leads!

Be Consistent and Follow Up with Expired Leads! Free 3 Day Trial -

When you are calling expired real estate leads to score appointments you always want to make sure you are the first ones calling in the morning.


Because later on in the day, the seller will be bombarded with calls and by the time you call you will not have a chance to talk to them or they may be in a terrible mood. One way or another, the seller is not having it at that moment.

If you are the first to call, then they will more than likely take the call calmly and hear what you have to say. Also, you can give them a heads up that others may be calling, therefore making you look good with the potential seller.

So be consistent with those morning calls! And build your pipeline of sellers.

After the call, you want to make sure you are following up if you didn't get an appointment.

One of the main problems we see agents do is that they do not follow up at all.

Real estate agents call once or twice and then give up. That gives an opportunity for a small majority of GOOD agents, just like you, to score big with sellers! With our experience it can take days, weeks, months or even years to score an appointment. Just be consistent and follow up!

If you are located in the NYC area and want to call expired listings to grow your business, then make sure to visit our site!


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