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In this lesson, we are going to talk about recognizing chords by ear. Whenever you hear a blues player, you probably associate what he is playing with pentatonic scales and shapes. You can even imagine what shapes he is using and in which areas of the fretboard he is playing.
The goal is that we can do the same with chords. Hear a chord and try to gather some clues. Find a root note and listen for how the other notes relate to that root. Ask yourself how many notes are in that chord, understand the fullness of the chord. That should give you an idea of the area of the fretboard in which the chord is being played.
With those clues in mind, you should start thinking about intervals. I like to use the major scale shape as a master shape to learn interval recognition. For example, learning to identify the kind of third intervals will let you know if the chord is major or minor.
Use songs to practice this and look for the clues we just discussed. If you do this daily, you will be recognizing chords in no time.
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