
Peter Roselle: My Worship is a Weapon (1 Samuel 16:23)

Peter Roselle: My Worship is a Weapon (1 Samuel 16:23) “David took a lyre and played it; so Saul was refreshed and became well, and the evil spirit left him.” Anointed worship carries the power of deliverance! God can take our worship and use is as a weapon against the enemy. David is a great example of a worshipping warrior – sensitive enough to write the Psalms and courage enough to kill giants when others retreated. Are there giants in your life that need to be slain? Don’t underestimate the power of the weapon of worship! Quote: David was a young man who found the zone where his natural and spiritual talents converged to form a powerful weapon for the Kingdom of God. Convergence is finding your zone and operating at a higher level of spiritual authority. He was where he was supposed to be, in the right place at the right time – “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)


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1 Samuels 16:17
Saul was being harassed by an evil spirit and he said
“Provide me now a man
who could play well and bring him to me.”
There is an old saying that music calms the savage beast.”
Music touches a special part of our being -
it's not our brain, it's not logic, it's somewhere
much closer to our heart.
It’s also got a “memory” attribute
because you could hear a song after
20 years and first time you hear it
after 20 years you're brought back to
the place of that memory.
There’s clearly a spiritual aspect to music.
It can be a force for good or evil.
If it is not directed redemptively by the Lord
it could be used for destruction.
So, Saul was being harassed by a tormenting spirit.
They understood if they found an anointed worshiper the spirit would leave.
Isn’t that amazing that they made that connection?
1 Samuel 16:18
“One of the servants said, ‘Look, I've
seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite,
who is skillful in playing, a mighty
man of valor, a man of war,
prudent speech, a handsome person…”
And as if that wasn't enough –
All he had to say was, “The Lord is with him.”
It doesn’t matter what you look like!
God doesn't judge the outside of the package.
He looks at the heart.
David did have all those other attributes but how
did he this servant know about David?
He was on the backside of a mountain tending sheep.
Proverbs 18:16
“Your gift will make room for you and bring your
before great men.”
They didn’t know about David because he was out trying to promote himself.
When you have an anointing on you life people notice!
He had Holy Spirit oil on his life.
David was a young man who found the zone where his
natural and spiritual talents converged to form a powerful
weapon for the Kingdom of God.
Convergence is finding your zone and
operating at a higher level of spiritual authority.
He was where he was supposed to be,
in the right place at the right time –
“for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)
David comes up to the battle and said,
“Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?” (1 Samuel 17:26)
It’s no different than when he played his harp and the evil spirit left Saul.
David’s worship was a weapon, not his sling would be a weapon.
The devil hates worshipping warriors!
He hates the anointing!
Harriet Tubman was the conductor of the Underground Railroad.
One of the songs she taught her crew as
she was trying to help them escape slavery was
called, “Wade in the Water.”
“It's believed that she used this traditional Negro
spiritual as a way to warn slaves to get
in the water to hide their scent from
the slave catching dogs on their trail.”
When I read that I just sat back in my
chair and said, “Oh my God, what a turn
of a phrase!”
The strategy of getting under the water so
the dogs can't smell you - that's the
anointing of the Holy Spirit! That's what happened when
Israel was escaping Egypt and God hid
them in the cloud so the Egyptians could not see them.
Harriet Tubman could not read or write, but
she knew enough to say if you get under water the scent
will be hidden.
She used a Christian song as a weapon
in warfare to get these people out.
Today we have different kinds of slavecatching dogs on our trails.
Their called opioids, alcohol, tobacco and a host of others.

Jesus,Jesus Christ,Bible,Christian,God,Holy Spirit,Holy Ghost,Pentecost,Pentecostal,Prophesy,Prophecy,Prophetic,Gifts of the Spirit,Miracles,Salvation,Deliverance,Spiritual Warfare,Intercession,Prophetic Intercession,Prayer,Breakthrough,Healing,Chuck Pierce,Glory of Zion,GZI,Bill Johnson,Dutch Sheets,Jane Hamon,Bethel Redding,It's Supernatural,Shawn Bolz,Sid Roth,Karen Wheaton,Kevin Zadai,Jesus Culture,Joel Osteen,Joyce Meyer,King of Kings,

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