
Tonight I was validated of my Dissociative Identity Disorder (Here is what I know) 馃様

Tonight I was validated of my Dissociative Identity Disorder (Here is what I know) 馃様 I hope you can try to understand and accept this as I am still learning to as well!! It is still kinda hazy that I actually could have this and a big part of me wants to just think my neighbor must be mistaken to but I know that isn't true and they wouldn't say things to me that aren't real or true or be so nice to us as they are if something wasn't off!! It makes sense as to why things are sometimes misplaced or moved around too and why I wake up feeling super tired and yet I slept good that night!! If the body is up and awake and moving around then it won't rest!! I need sleep and yet they won't let me!! Please think of me sometimes everybody!! My entire system, we need your love and support!! ❤️


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