
When A New Legendary Relic Means Over 800 Damage in UnderMine

When A New Legendary Relic Means Over 800 Damage in UnderMine We have new relics to find and I seem to find all the right ones. One means that every blessing I get converts into swing damage.. and I do tend to get a lot of blessings. By the end I'm doing over 800 base damage and nothing can stand in my way, well almost nothing. A few of the other new relics give me the bosses abilities, in fact by the end of my run I have all their abilities.. I also find a new potion recipe that could be a lot of fun to play with... UnderMine gameplay with my commentary as always!

UnderMine -

df,undemine,When A New Legendary Relic Means Over 800 Damage,dangerouslyfunny,dangerously,relic,pc,funny,dangerously funny,legendary weapon,legendary,undermine gameplay,undermine boss,new relic,beta,boss abilities,

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