
#1 Most Critical Paramotor Training Tip!!! Compare Skills Of The Students Not Opinions!! LOOK!!!

#1 Most Critical Paramotor Training Tip!!! Compare Skills Of The Students Not Opinions!! LOOK!!! Are you looking for paramotor training? SUPER Training by Dell Schanze or SUPERDELL is the #1 paramotor training school in the world. Build real skills, reflexes, and muscle memory on exactly how to control the paraglider and paramotor. What's the best? The best training is that which produces the most skilled new pilots!! ANYONE can claim to be the "top US instructor" Or "World Best" which is why it's absolutely critical to LOOK at the skill of their students and compare skill against skill not talk against talk. SUPER training is the best in the world not because everyone who knows the truth says it is but rather because it produces the very best results in created the absolutely highest skill levels compared to ANY other school in the world!! Where is ANY other school in the world taking people from never having touched a paraglider in their life to taking the instructors wife of 29 years TANDEM by the end of 10 days????? where do you see ANY other school in the world producing pilots who can literally kite up a pole and doing it in just 10 days??? Where is any other school where even the instructor can do that? Where is ANY other school SHOWING their students reverse kiting no hands or kiting up a wall or perfectly controlling the alittude of their butt using the glider or being able to prevent collapses while a paramotor prop washes their wing over and over?? Buying training is about buying skills!! Don't even think about trying to train with someone without first LOOKING at the skill of the students graduating their class. Make them SHOW the videos of their students doing what you see SUPER students doing. Make their instructor SHOW video of themselves doing what SUPER students can do!! If they can't SHOW these skills and SHOW their students going from nothing to expert level skills like kiting up a wall or knocking out HUNDREDS of touch & go's like SUPER Lee who set the world record knocking out 530 flights by the end of his 10 days: if they can't SHOW their students progressing from a huge 30 sm glider down to a 16 sm or even 14 sm that the student has perfect control of even in 25+ mph winds then it's not happening at their class. Either they can SHOW it or it's not real. Seriously with pretty much every person having a camera do you think a real isntructor teaching incredible skills like this won't have even 1 single video to SHOW for themselves????? The #1 way people die in this sport is trusting total scammers without ever even LOOKING at the skill levels to double check if they actually have the skills they claim they are selling. Training is NOT about chucking people in the air. It's about teaching true and real control of the glider and preparing people for everything that can and will go wrong. Not one other school in the entire world is actually teaching true and real skills or it wouldn't take you a few minutes of LOOKING to post a video right here and PROVE that's wrong. We challenge you to prove us wrong. Go LOOK and try to post a video in the comments of another school out there SHOWING their new students graduating with skills like these. The more you search the more you will KNOW without a doubt that SUPER training is the ONLY school in the world actually teaching people properly. It's a very sad and horrifying reality. Or very sad and horrifying for those that don't come through SUPER training. We challenge anyone in the world who has just gone through "training" anywhere else to SHOW they can do what you see over and over and over in our videos and the tons of videos our students post. Either you can or you can't. There is no opinion about it. You either look at the FACTS and compare skills to skills or you simply don't have the intelligence level to be in aviation.

There is a reason that Super Training students are capable of doing so much more... It's because they build real skills first.

Learn more about Super Training by calling (800) 707-2525

CALL DELL - (800) 707-2525

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Fly The Safest Paraglider - Dominator:

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