
10 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder Exposure | Effect of BPD on Partners

10 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder Exposure | Effect of BPD on Partners This video answers the question: Can I discuss the effects of exposure to borderline personality disorder? This question is talking about effects on the partner of somebody with BPD as opposed to the effects of the disorder on the person who has it.
10 signs of BPD exposure

BPD has nine symptom criteria:
1. frantic efforts to avoid abandonment
2. unstable relationship pattern
3. identity disturbance
4. impulsivity in two areas that are potentially self-damaging
5. suicidal behavior
6. affective instability
7. chronic feelings of emptiness
8. inappropriate or intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
9. paranoid ideation or severe dissociation

Bouchard, S., Sabourin, S., Lussier, Y., & Villeneuve, E. (2009). Relationship Quality and Stability in Couples When One Partner Suffers From Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, 35(4), 446–455.

Sarkar, J. (2019). Borderline personality disorder and violence. Australasian Psychiatry, 27(6), 578–580.

Ross J, & Babcock J. (2009). Proactive and reactive violence among intimate partner violent men diagnosed with antisocial and borderline personality disorder. Journal of Family Violence, 24(8), 607–617.

Ross J, & Babcock J. (2009). Proactive and reactive violence among intimate partner violent men diagnosed with antisocial and borderline personality disorder. Journal of Family Violence, 24(8), 607–617.

de Montigny-Malenfant, B., Santerre, M.-È., Bouchard, S., Sabourin, S., Lazaridès, A., & Bélanger, C. (2013). Couples’ Negative Interaction Behaviors and Borderline Personality Disorder. American Journal of Family Therapy, 41(3), 259–271.

Greer, H., & Cohen, J. N. (2018). Partners of Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature Examining Their Experiences and the Supports Available to Them. Harvard Review Of Psychiatry, 26(4), 185–200.

Lavner, J. A., Lamkin, J., & Miller, J. D. (2015). Borderline personality disorder symptoms and newlyweds’ observed communication, partner characteristics, and longitudinal marital outcomes. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(4), 975–981. (Supplemental)

Lazarus, S. A., Beeney, J. E., Howard, K. P., Strunk, D. R., Pilkonis, P.. A., & Cheavens, J. S. (2019,December 5). Characterization of Relationship Instability in Women With Borderline PersonalityDisorder: A Social Network Analysis. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.Advance online publication.

Ross J, and Babcock J. 2009. “Proactive and Reactive Violence among Intimate Partner Violent Men Diagnosed with Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder.” Journal of Family Violence 24 (8): 607–17.

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borderline exposure,toxic relationship,borderline,borderline thoughts,borderline personality disorder,BPD,Cluster B,personality disorder,antisocial,narcissistic,histrionic,frantic efforts,unstable relationships,identity disturbance,impulsivity,suicidal behavior,affective instability,chronic feelings of emptiness,anger,paranoid ideation or dissociation,romantic partner,

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