
If Your Products Are So Good, Why Aren't They Sold in Stores?

If Your Products Are So Good, Why Aren't They Sold in Stores? "If network marketing products are so good, they would be in stores, just like every other product. Or I would at least have heard about it in the news..." This is a great question that was sent in, and to answer, we first have to talk about how the media machine and big retailers work...

First, the media primes the pump to make the consumer aware of something. Watch for this pattern:
1. They come out with a problem and publicize in the news/magazines/newspapers/announcements, etc.
2. Then, they promote some new study to describe how bad it is
3. Then, they deliver the "solution" a few days later in the news. They repeat the name 1000x.
4. Finally, the store/doctor displays the product, and you buy.

This model has been around for at least 100 years, and it works very well.

But some inventors don't like the traditional model. Why? It's expensive. There's a LOT of marketing dollars that go to the media/advertising/PR companies to push a news story.

I've had inventors reach out to me multiple times looking for an alternative to sell their product.

And aside from inventors, some companies don't like that model either. Why? Because the costs/ margins aren't favorable to them. Here's a rule of retail sales: whoever is closest to the customer makes the most margin. Period.

So if you're the grocery store, you're closest to the customer...
If you're the drugstore, you're closest to the customer...
If you're the doctor, you're closest to the customer...

But if you're the inventor or product developer, you're NOT! And so you're forced to give away the majority of your margins (i.e. your profits) to the retailer, who has the customers.

Here's another reason...

If your product requires an explanation or an education for people to buy, then there's usually not enough space on the shelf/bottle/box to explain how it works and to differentiate it from the competition.

When you have a product that is more competitive, requires explanation, or has a higher quality or better ingredients, that's where network marketing really shines.

The opposite is also true... products that don't need a lot of explanation typically don't do well in network marketing. For example, if we sold coat hangers, we'd probably struggle, because that's a commodity. You can get them from whoever has the cheapest price.

The opportunity for network marketers is in the KNOWLEDGE and DIFFERENTIATION gap for high-quality products. That's something you don't get in a store. Retailers don't hire experts to differentiate one product from another... at least not to the level of expertise that a networker would know.

So here's what it boils down to:

#1 - Network Marketing products can be VERY good. Oftentimes, they're the very best products on the market. As a consultant, I've had a lot of inventors and product developers reach out to me to help find an outlet to sell their products.

#2 - Network Marketing companies prefer to pay a commission to a rep for moving product, instead of paying a celebrity spokesperson or a TV network or a big box retailer.

All products need to be marketed in some way, and in many cases, network marketing is more efficient and effective... not to mention it provides an opportunity for you as a promoter.

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★ About Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power:
Tim Sales is a 30-year veteran in Network Marketing. He's a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he's been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he's sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He's breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing.

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