
Love Letter (Written the only way I know how)

Love Letter (Written the only way I know how) I'm making some headway learning the ways of the LR Baggs Anthem Stage Pro in my Lindsay Marcus GA.

Historically I've always been a die hard K&K/Cole Clark proprietary PUPs fan but I have to admit that this unit is pretty darn good and I can now understand the appeal.

I'm still not quite sold on its ability to pick up "percussive stuff" but the offset is that I particularly like the very clear but growly bottom end frequencies.

Also, coming from the Cole Clark camp of PUPs, I've always judged this PUP for the lack of a mids slider/dial , but have learned that this is not necessary here... because during the take the EQ was exactly in the middle for both the bass and treble sliders...(i.e. the easiest I've ever had it in terms of shaping the tone from inbuilt pre's. )

I did however blend the mic a little north of 3/4 way up the slider...Admittedly this might be problematic in a loud stage environment....but my studio is I was more than judicious :)

So, the signal chain is as follows...

PUP into the High Z input of an Audient iD22 (with High Pass filter activated) into Logic X strip (flat EQ) with reverb (Space designer stock plug in) and a smidgen of Compression (also stock) dialled in through a bus added for effect. The room noise in the beginning is coming from the Zoom camera used to film it...I should have edited that out all the way in imovie but alas... I forgot...

Best listened to with headphones or studio monitors...

Lindsay Marcus Guitars,D'Addario XT Strings,LR Baggs Anthem Stage Pro,Fingerstyle,Acoustic Instrumental,Audient iD22,LR Baggs,LR Baggs Pick up demo,

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