
#wheat Powdery mildew disease & management || गेंहू के फफूँद रोग से मुक्ति...

#wheat Powdery mildew disease & management ||  गेंहू के फफूँद रोग से मुक्ति... causal organism of this disease is

Erysiphe graminis tritici

This disease is characterized by formation of white, powdery growth of the fungus on the upper surface of leaves.

The white growth contains mycelium and spores of the fungus.

Under severe disease conditions, leaf sheaths, stems and earheads may also be coveed by the fungus.

Infected plants become stunted due to reduction in size and number of leaves and produce poor yield.


Grow varieties resistant to the disease like WH-542, HD-2329 etc.

Burn crop refuge in the field after harvesting is over.

If losses are expected to be high, spraying with a mixture of Mancozeb 75 WP and karathane has been found beneficial. Prepare mixture by mixing 16 parts of Mancozeb 75 WP and four parts of Karathane 25 wettable powder. Spray mixture at the rate of two kg in 1000 liters water per hectare. About three sprays should be given at an interval of 10-15 days. Amount of water for different sprays may be decided on the basis of growing stage of the crop.
all this information are from book and internet

wheat weed management

#आम का मधुआ रोग

by Ranjan kumar (B.SC.Ag)


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