
‘Hugely embarrassing year’ British politics savaged as Brexit and global standing hammered - News 2

‘Hugely embarrassing year’ British politics savaged as Brexit and global standing hammered  - News 2 Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  The past 12 months have seen the Brexit crisis paralysing Parliament as a failure by politicians to work together to find a solution infuriating millions of Britons. Political in-fighting, often within their own parties, has dominated events, with arguments revolving around the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal and the best way to proceed with the UK’s departure from the bloc. This ultimately led to a change of Prime Minister, with Theresa May resigning and being replaced by Boris Johnson in July. An early general election was also triggered, which saw the Conservative Party crush Labour, forcing the party’s leader Jeremy Corbyn to announce he will be quitting over the coming weeks. Critics have rounded on how UK politics is now viewed, both at home and by leaders and countries across the world. Alistair Jones, Principal Lecturer at De Montfort University in Leicester, told “This has been a hugely embarrassing year for British politics. The ineptitude of the May Government continued. The source of the problem was in the party-politicisation of Brexit. “Had May developed a cross-party platform to take Brexit forward, we would have already left the EU. Her failure to do so, and turning to both the DUP and to the ERG was her mistake and, ultimately, her undoing. “Johnson, on becoming Prime Minister, simply threw the DUP and the moderates in his own party under the proverbial bus. “Yet his actions, most notably attempting to prorogue Parliament, highlighted a rather callous way of politicking. Added to this, the bare-faced lying that has continued has left other world leaders shocked. “The misrepresentation of the EU, and of Britain’s relationship with the EU, has left many world leaders very wary of a Johnson-led Government. “Our global standing is significantly lower. Added to this, the image of Johnson as a buffoon - one which he has cultivated over many years - is also a source of embarrassment. Other leaders cannot take him seriously.  Mark Littlewood, director general of the Institute of Economic Affairs think tank, rage it has been “two steps back” for British politics in 2019. He warned the UK is now like Manchester United - the once-all conquering football team , who have been “bewilderingly rubbish and incompetent for the past few years, but still a cherished and internationally respected global phenomenon”. Mr Littlewood said: “2019 has been a wasted year. Not disastrous, just frustrating. Not even one step forward, two steps back. Just two steps back. “The rest of the world must look at us perplexed rather than dismissive, overall. Even the antics of our politicians over the last three years can’t quite reduce a great country like the UK to a laughin

Brexit News,Boris Johnson,Jeremy Corbyn,

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